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Produktinformationen "Westin Skruen Fixed 8,2cm 20g Red/Black"
For many years the original H-Skruen has been one of the most effective lures for sea trout and other fish along the Danish coast and marinas. The new wire through construction ensures optimal strength, simple rigging, and a consistent action. The H-Skruen has an enticing movement in the water, with the rotation along its axis during a spin stop often triggering a strike. The H-Skruen fishes brilliantly on a straight retrieve, or with lots of spin stops. Always keep in touch with the lure during a spin stop, as this is often when the sea trout strike! H-Skruen is rigged with either a Rigged Trout treble hook (#8) or Rigged Seatrout single hook (#2). A fluorocarbon leader line (ø0.4mm) is recommended. * Lead Free * Material Zinc * Full Wire-through-Body construction * Handpainted detailed colours * Great casting ability * Rotates on spin-stop

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Fairpoint Outdoors A/S
Gydevang 4
3450 Allerod
0045 48 10 38 00

Westin Skruen Fixed 8,2cm 20g Red/Black


8,45 €

Inhalt: 1 Stück
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Ab 150€ versandkostenfrei*
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Produktnummer: 448263
Herstellernummer: M126-065-102

Westin Skruen Fixed 8,2cm 20g Red/Black

8,45 €

Inhalt: 1 Stück
Produktinformationen "Westin Skruen Fixed 8,2cm 20g Red/Black"
For many years the original H-Skruen has been one of the most effective lures for sea trout and other fish along the Danish coast and marinas. The new wire through construction ensures optimal strength, simple rigging, and a consistent action. The H-Skruen has an enticing movement in the water, with the rotation along its axis during a spin stop often triggering a strike. The H-Skruen fishes brilliantly on a straight retrieve, or with lots of spin stops. Always keep in touch with the lure during a spin stop, as this is often when the sea trout strike! H-Skruen is rigged with either a Rigged Trout treble hook (#8) or Rigged Seatrout single hook (#2). A fluorocarbon leader line (ø0.4mm) is recommended. * Lead Free * Material Zinc * Full Wire-through-Body construction * Handpainted detailed colours * Great casting ability * Rotates on spin-stop

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Ab 150€ versandkostenfrei*
Ab einem Bestellwert von 150€ liefern wir versandkostenfrei direkt und bequem zu Ihnen nach Hause.
Fair & sicher bestellen
Durch unsere sicheren Zahlungsmethoden und verschlüsselte Datenübertragung gewährleisten wir Ihnen ein sorgenfreies Einkaufserlebnis.
Produktnummer: 448263
Herstellernummer: M126-065-102

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