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Produktinformationen "Westin Ricky The Roach Inline 119g Sinking 20cm Glitter Roach sinkend"
We are extremely proud and excited to launch the Ricky The Roach Inline! Setting a higher standard within lure design and technology, at the time of writing, this is by far the most realistic and detailed lure ever produced. We believe that Westin is the only fishing brand in the world that can create a lure like this at this moment. The Ricky The Roach Inline is not only based on a 3D scan, but here the detail of each scale is preserved, it is just like a real roach! Combining the latest moulding technology with years of experience of handcrafting lures, we have produced a lure that is ready to fish straight out of the packet. Whether casting or trolling for pike and giant musky, this lure is a must-have in your box. Rigged with a Jointed Stinger HD connected by a heavy-duty wire leader which can easily be replaced or changed in seconds. The custom-made release plug will release on the strike and is easily reset ready for the next cast. In combination with the swivel chain leverage is eliminated, providing a higher hook-up ratio and more fish in the net. The Ricky The Roach Inline feature high-resolution prints created from actual images of the roach used in our scanning process. This guarantees unparalleled authenticity in appearance, making it the most lifelike lure you’ll ever find. This isn't just another lure; it's a work of art. * Realistic S-shape swimming action * Swims even at low speeds * Lead-free * Free from toxic phthalates * Hard foam core inside head part * Reinforced mesh joints * Inline Rig System * Custom made Westin release plug * Jointed Stinger HD with ultra-sharp and strong carbon steel hooks * Real fish print colour technology * Hand-painted details

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Fairpoint Outdoors A/S
Gydevang 4
3450 Allerod
0045 48 10 38 00
Produktinformationen "Westin Ricky The Roach Inline 119g Sinking 20cm Glitter Roach sinkend"
We are extremely proud and excited to launch the Ricky The Roach Inline! Setting a higher standard within lure design and technology, at the time of writing, this is by far the most realistic and detailed lure ever produced. We believe that Westin is the only fishing brand in the world that can create a lure like this at this moment. The Ricky The Roach Inline is not only based on a 3D scan, but here the detail of each scale is preserved, it is just like a real roach! Combining the latest moulding technology with years of experience of handcrafting lures, we have produced a lure that is ready to fish straight out of the packet. Whether casting or trolling for pike and giant musky, this lure is a must-have in your box. Rigged with a Jointed Stinger HD connected by a heavy-duty wire leader which can easily be replaced or changed in seconds. The custom-made release plug will release on the strike and is easily reset ready for the next cast. In combination with the swivel chain leverage is eliminated, providing a higher hook-up ratio and more fish in the net. The Ricky The Roach Inline feature high-resolution prints created from actual images of the roach used in our scanning process. This guarantees unparalleled authenticity in appearance, making it the most lifelike lure you’ll ever find. This isn't just another lure; it's a work of art. * Realistic S-shape swimming action * Swims even at low speeds * Lead-free * Free from toxic phthalates * Hard foam core inside head part * Reinforced mesh joints * Inline Rig System * Custom made Westin release plug * Jointed Stinger HD with ultra-sharp and strong carbon steel hooks * Real fish print colour technology * Hand-painted details

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Westin Ricky The Roach Inline 119g Sinking 20cm Glitter Roach sinkend

Alle Infos auf einem Blick
  • Anzahl Haken: 2
  • Länge: 20cm
  • Gewicht: 119g

24,95 €

Inhalt: 1 Stück
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Produktnummer: 448003
Herstellernummer: P086-1058-036
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Dein digitaler Gutschein zum Ausdrucken im PDF-Format. Unsere Gutscheine werden vorab als Code und im Anschluss als PDF per Mail versendet. So können wir Euch den Gutschein versandkostenfrei anbieten. Dieser ist in allen Angeljoe-Filialen und im Onlineshop gültig. Viel Spaß beim Verschenken =) FAQ: Gutschein nicht angekommen? Bitte schauen Sie auch in Ihrem Spamordner nach. Für Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gern per Mail zur Verfügung. Einfach an onlineshop@angeljoe.de schreiben.

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